Friday, July 29, 2011

Pool Time with Caroline

 Sarah and her sweet friend, Caroline, had some fun in the sun earlier this week.  This water fountain thing was a hit because it was just the right size!
 Another hit were these steps that had water coming over them.  The girls enjoyed going up and down them.

 Sarah and I also took a trip to Jumpstreet earlier this week.  It's really a place for kids older than Sarah, but they did have a "small kid" area.  The main attraction there are all of the trampolines.  Right when we got to the small kid area, Sarah went straight to the trampoline area and was having a lot of fun.  Then, there came the collision with an older boy.  After that, Sarah did not want to have anything to do with it.  So, we spent the rest of the time either going down this inflatable firetruck, or Sarah sat in the tea cups in the picture below.  I did get her to go back on the trampoline with me one more time before we left, but she just wasn't into it (still remembered "the fall").  We will probably wait a few months before going back.

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