Thursday, August 4, 2011

Oh How We Love Our Sarah Grace!

 Rusty and I can't believe the words that come out of Sarah's mouth and the different ways she shows us how much she loves us these days.  She is growing up so much, and it is just so awesome to experience!
 Over the weekend, we attended a birthday party for Andar and Lisa's two children, Addison and Landon.  It was a safari theme, and Sarah wanted to show you some of the goodies she received from the party.
 I took Sarah to an Open Gym earlier this week.  She had experienced the bars at the Little Gym before, but I guess this bar was a bit too high off of the ground for her.  Poor girl looks like she has alligators swimming underneath her or something!
 This was more her style...
 Even though we knew she wasn't quite ready for Chuckie Cheese's yet, we took Sarah earlier this week anyway.  This was a good way, although not appropriate, for her to actually play the games.
 She's in deep thought.
Sarah has absolutely no idea who is behind her.  She was pretty scared of him, but I don't blame her.  Who wasn't when they were little?

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing the new pics every week. I'll be in again in 5 days (staying at Heather's the 10th & 11th).....can't wait to see you!!! Isn't it next Saturday when her party is???
