Thursday, August 25, 2011

Meet the Teacher

 Could that day really almost be here?  Sarah starts Mother's Day Out next Tuesday, and we had Meet the Teacher yesterday. She seemed excited when she was in her room, so I hope all goes well next week.  I know this is a big step in general, but Sarah is also going to be dealing with big step #2 all in the same week (baby sister's arrival). It's unfortunate that they both fall at the same time, but all we can do is go with it and hope for the best.  I'll keep you posted!

 Having fun in the mall play area
For a while now, Sarah has enjoyed "cleaning" when she sees me doing it.  There have been quite a few times since I bought this mop (notice, haven't actually used it yet...) that she's found it and "mopped" the floor herself.  It's pretty cute to watch her pretend!

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