Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day of Fun!

 We wanted to spend some quality time as a family of three for the last weekend before Emily came.  Saturday morning, we took Sarah to the Aquarium.  She enjoyed it so much!  I added a few pictures of the animals she liked the most.  On our way, she kept on saying she was going to see fishies, water, and monkeys...

 Later that afternoon, we took Sarah to see Winnie the Pooh at the movies.  She had her own little booster seat and everything!  We spoiled her with popcorn and a red icee, and she pretty much ate the popcorn the entire time.  It was fun!

 Sarah likes to ride her trike she got from Uncle Ryan, Aunt Rachel and Addison!
 and she LOVES her Molly!
Today was Sarah's official first day of school.  She was super excited to hold her lunch box!  When I dropped her off, she cried, which I expected.  When we went to pick her up, she was fine and happy to see us.  Her teacher said she only cried for a few minutes after I left.  Now, we did have some issues at naptime, but overall, she did great!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Meet the Teacher

 Could that day really almost be here?  Sarah starts Mother's Day Out next Tuesday, and we had Meet the Teacher yesterday. She seemed excited when she was in her room, so I hope all goes well next week.  I know this is a big step in general, but Sarah is also going to be dealing with big step #2 all in the same week (baby sister's arrival). It's unfortunate that they both fall at the same time, but all we can do is go with it and hope for the best.  I'll keep you posted!

 Having fun in the mall play area
For a while now, Sarah has enjoyed "cleaning" when she sees me doing it.  There have been quite a few times since I bought this mop (notice, haven't actually used it yet...) that she's found it and "mopped" the floor herself.  It's pretty cute to watch her pretend!

Friday, August 19, 2011

2nd Birthday Party - The Little Gym

 We had Sarah's birthday party a month early just in case little sister decided to make an early arrival.  Sarah and her friends had a blast, so I think Mommy and Daddy made the right decision about where to have the party.  I put a lot of pictures up, so enjoy!   
 Some of Sarah's friends:  Averly,  Mia, Caroline, and Emily; they are doing the "warm-up" right now and going in circles to the music.
 Sweet Caroline putting the bells away
 Landon and Addison (brother and sister)
 Addison and Sarah
 Sweet princess!
 Caleb and Sarah
 During parachute time, they had Sarah sit in the middle and everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to her.
 Then, we raised the parachute up and down, and the kids got to run underneath it.
 Little cutie Addison!
 The birthday cake experience was sooo  much better this year!  As we sang Happy Birthday to her, she was trying to eat the icing, and she even went for the lit candles...
 Picture of our family!
 The balls at the end are always a big hit.
 Sarah and Addison doing the "bye bye" song.
 Opening gifts at the house afterwards.  The cash register Sarah is holding was a hit; it just happened to be one of the first gifts she opened, and afterwards, she didn't want to stop playing with it.  Sarah says thanks Emily!
 Sweet Summer
MaMa was able to come for the weekend too; it was great to see her and for her to see all of her great-granddaughters having fun together!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Grisham Farm

 We went to a petting farm in McKinney with some of Sarah's friends.  There were a variety of animals, big and small, and Sarah had a good time.  But...

 She wasn't a fan of wanting to feed them or pet them.  She was very much afraid of all of the bigger animals.  She liked looking at them, as long as I was holding her or as long as she had her arm wrapped around my leg for protection.
 The smaller animals were more her style.  She pet all of the small animals the instructor showed us, such as a rabbit, guinea pig, some kind of rat, a tortoise, some kind of big lizard, and...
 this snake!
 After showing us the small animals, the instructor took the snake to this water trough for a swim.  There were also goldfish living in there.
 Mia, Sarah and Averly having fun on the swings

 A friend gave us this awesome blow up pool.  Sarah had a blast in it!  Notice the frozen milk jugs and water bottles to keep the water a bearable temperature!
Another one of Sarah's creations

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Oh How We Love Our Sarah Grace!

 Rusty and I can't believe the words that come out of Sarah's mouth and the different ways she shows us how much she loves us these days.  She is growing up so much, and it is just so awesome to experience!
 Over the weekend, we attended a birthday party for Andar and Lisa's two children, Addison and Landon.  It was a safari theme, and Sarah wanted to show you some of the goodies she received from the party.
 I took Sarah to an Open Gym earlier this week.  She had experienced the bars at the Little Gym before, but I guess this bar was a bit too high off of the ground for her.  Poor girl looks like she has alligators swimming underneath her or something!
 This was more her style...
 Even though we knew she wasn't quite ready for Chuckie Cheese's yet, we took Sarah earlier this week anyway.  This was a good way, although not appropriate, for her to actually play the games.
 She's in deep thought.
Sarah has absolutely no idea who is behind her.  She was pretty scared of him, but I don't blame her.  Who wasn't when they were little?