Saturday, September 29, 2012

Gig 'Em Aggies!

 We were ready to cheer the Aggies on today!  What a great win!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

This is Fun!

 Emily's been walking around the house with this toy, and she's having so much fun!
 Big girl!
 Sweet face!
 The girls at Emery's 1st Birthday party!
It was picture day at school!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Dallas Zoo!

 Emily's first time to pet the goats!

 This is the cutest little face!
 Happy girl!
 Feeding the fish
 Looking at the lions!
 Driving the Jeep!
 Sarah didn't want to get too close to the giraffe...!
 It was such a beautiful day to be at the Zoo!  And, it was a double bonus that it was during the week, so there weren't many people there!
At the end, Sarah got to ride the carousel; she didn't want to stop, of course!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sarah's Strawberry Shortcake Party!

 We celebrated Sarah's 3rd Birthday over the weekend!  She was SO excited to have her friends come over and play!  Strawberry Shortcake has been very popular with Sarah for a few months now, and after the party, it's even more popular with all of the cute Strawberry Shortcake gifts she received!  She had loads of fun!

 Yummy cupcakes!

 After the party was over, I asked Sarah what her favorite part was, and she told me it was playing pin the stem on the strawberry!
 Caroline's stem was the closest!
 Edible bracelets?  How fun AND yummy!  Emily enjoyed making one.
 As did Ally!

 Sweet Emery
 Present time!

 Silly Sarah and Camryn!
 All the girls right before singing Happy Birthday to Sarah!  Mia, Averly, Ally, Addison, Sarah, Camryn, Caroline, Emily, and Addison
 Our sweet sunshine!
 Singing Happy Birthday to Sarah...
 Listening to everyone sing to cute is that face!
 Make a wish!
 Cute Averly!
 Little one had fun watching all of the action!
 "Big" Addison and Sarah
"Little" Addison and Sarah

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

So Much Fun!

 The weather has been absolutely amazing in the mornings this week.  We let Miss Emily take a spin in Sarah's ride, and she LOVED it!  Just look how happy she is; probably the biggest smiles we've seen from her!

 Sweet sisters!  Sarah's car is just a one seater, but we think they can both fit in it for a couple more months...

One of the things Rusty loves the most, if not what he does love the most, to do with Sarah is snuggle with her while she watches her shows.  He keeps on saying he can't wait until Emily will stay still long enough and he can have both girls on each side of him.  Well, over the weekend, we got as close to that as we can, and Rusty loved it!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sarah's First Day of Preschool

 Sarah's first day of school was last Tuesday.  She's going to the same place as last year, and she was sooo excited to go back!  This time, no tears what-so-ever!!!!!  

After seeing Mommy and Daddy taking pictures with Sarah, sister had to join too!