Thursday, September 6, 2012

Emily's 1st Birthday Party!

 I'm 1!!

 I had to put this one on here too; Emily absolutely loves Sarah and always laughs and smiles at her!
 We made Emily's cake, and we really liked how it turned out.  

 I did a picture for each of the first twelve months of Emily's life.  We decided she really didn't change too much; just that hair kept growing!

 Emily and her BFF!
 Rusty, Emery and PaPa
 Grant and Rusty
 MaMa, Addison, Sarah, and PaPa
 Little one opening her gifts...

 Sarah had so much fun playing with Camryn!  We were super glad they came to visit!
 Emily's cake
 Watching us sing "Happy Birthday" to her
 Her reaction as we were singing to her!
 First reaction to the icing...
 Then, she decided it wasn't that bad...

 Then the fun began...
 Emery wanted to try some of the cake too...
 Wow!  This stuff is good! 

 The end result!  Emily had a blast with her birthday cake!

 Emily really likes her new remote control from MeMe and PaPa!
 Silly Emery kept getting busted trying to climb up the stairs!
Happy girl!

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