Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sarah's Strawberry Shortcake Party!

 We celebrated Sarah's 3rd Birthday over the weekend!  She was SO excited to have her friends come over and play!  Strawberry Shortcake has been very popular with Sarah for a few months now, and after the party, it's even more popular with all of the cute Strawberry Shortcake gifts she received!  She had loads of fun!

 Yummy cupcakes!

 After the party was over, I asked Sarah what her favorite part was, and she told me it was playing pin the stem on the strawberry!
 Caroline's stem was the closest!
 Edible bracelets?  How fun AND yummy!  Emily enjoyed making one.
 As did Ally!

 Sweet Emery
 Present time!

 Silly Sarah and Camryn!
 All the girls right before singing Happy Birthday to Sarah!  Mia, Averly, Ally, Addison, Sarah, Camryn, Caroline, Emily, and Addison
 Our sweet sunshine!
 Singing Happy Birthday to Sarah...
 Listening to everyone sing to cute is that face!
 Make a wish!
 Cute Averly!
 Little one had fun watching all of the action!
 "Big" Addison and Sarah
"Little" Addison and Sarah

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