Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fire Station Tour

 Sarah had a lot of fun touring a fire station last week!  She was able to see the fire trucks, go inside one, see  where the firemen sleep, eat, and hang out, and she even got to see one come down the pole!  
 Inside the fire truck
 Getting help off the truck from the fireman

 Being silly
 When the fireman got completely in uniform and put on his oxygen tank, Sarah wasn't such a fan anymore and she was a little scared, so she didn't go up to him and shake his hand. 
 Last weekend, Sarah went to her good friend, Caroline's birthday party.  It was a ballerina party, and the girls got to practice ballet moves and rehearsed a routine they performed for their parents at the end of the party!  Sarah had so much fun!
 Learning the routine
 Emily had fun too, and she really tried to hang out with the big girls and learn the moves too!
Dressing up at the house

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