Friday, January 11, 2013

Ross Perot Museum

 The Ross Perot Museum just opened in December, so we went to check it out last weekend.  Actually, we tried to go a week prior to that, but we had no idea how popular that place was, nor did we have a clue to buy our tickets online first. So, when we got there at 10am, we were told, after becoming members, that the earliest we could get in was 12:30pm!  Non-members had to wait until 6pm that night!  We had a good time there, but there is too much to see for the attention span of a three year old and sixteen month old, so we'll be going again a few times more this year. One of the exhibits in the Children's Museum was a "construction site" where the kids pretended to load up their bricks and stack them on different areas.  Sarah really liked that part!
 Her hat kept falling off!
 They also had a farmer's market where the kids can "buy" food and put it in their baskets and then into their bags when they finished paying for the food.
 Emily just liked to carry her bag around!  
 Emily is sitting in the truck that "brought" all of the produce to the market.  She didn't want to get out of this thing!
 They also had a "flower garden" that the girls enjoyed.  They also had a water station, a camping area, an area outside to dig for bones, and an arts and crafts area.  We did not go through all of it, but we will be back soon!

Sweet Sarah!

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