Thursday, April 4, 2013

Easter in Houston

 We celebrated Easter at PaPa's on Saturday.  We attempted this picture of all of the grand kids RIGHT AFTER the egg hunt...they were a lot more interested in seeing what was in their baskets!  
 Emily was too concerned about what was in the eggs to look for the picture.
 Sweet girl!
 Each time Emily found an egg, she would open it up right there; she'll be better at this whole "egg hunt" next year!

 Emily LOVED the trampoline!  She would go around in circles over and over again!

 She didn't even mind when big sister made her fall every time she jumped!
 These girls love each other so much!
 Ever since returning from Disney World, Sarah likes to do what the princesses do to their dresses!
 She had to have her baby!
 We celebrated Easter Sunday at MaMa's house.  We barely got the egg hunt in before the big rain.  It was pretty windy, and we probably had the quickest egg hunt I've ever seen.

 I told you it was windy!

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