Friday, April 17, 2015

Girls' Open House and Art Night

 Last week, the girls had Open House and Art Night at their school.  It is always a great event that the teachers and kids work very hard preparing for the parents.  They didn't fail this time for sure!  Sarah has had so much fun in TK this year, and she has learned more than I thought she would.  Her teachers, Ms.  Melissa and Ms. Korren are wonderful at what they do!
 Sarah's art work this year
 She named it "Sarah's flower"; very impressive work!

 The TK class memorized lines they said throughout the performance, and they all did a great job!  The theme this year was Noah's Ark, so the songs followed that theme, and the kids told that story.
 Emily enjoyed her performance too!  The kids did a great job singing and doing the motions to the songs!

 Emily's art work this year!  She named it "Butterflies"; great work too!
 The girls with friends from church, Kadence and Elle.  We went to Klyde Warren Park on Good Friday to listen to Pastor Ed's message.  We traveled via bus, which the girls enjoyed!
 She sleeps!
Emily and her good friend, Hannah, enjoy hanging out at school together.  We are pretty sure they will be in the same class next year too, and we are happy about that!

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