Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Sitting Up and A New Accessory

 Lauren started sitting on her own about a week or so ago.  Depending on the time of the day, she will sit there for up to five minutes on her own.  So, she's not officially doing it where I don't have to keep an eye on her, but she's almost there!  
She also had to get a helmet to correct some cosmetic features on her head.  Previously, I had mentioned we started physical therapy to help with all of it, but we started a little too late, and the damage had already been done due to the torticollis she was born with. She officially got the helmet on April 2nd, so she's about to hit the three week mark of wearing it 23 hours a day.  They told us she will have to wear it 2-3 months, depending on how things progress.  At first, her body didn't react too well to wearing it, and we had to ease her into it (a lot of redness on parts of her head).  She didn't seem to care too much about wearing it, but it did take her about a week to get used to it during nap time and night time sleep.  

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