Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Having Fun!

 Emily and Lauren like to hang out and play during the day when Emily is not at school.

 This is a rare find; Lauren doesn't usually sit still long enough to watch much of any show on the tv.  She ended up lasting maybe five minutes here. 

 Her new thing she found she can play with...
 Lauren is becoming the climber; she likes to climb into chairs, 
 on top of boxes, 
 and even up on top of the step stool...this was scary because I wasn't in the room with her.  She sneaked out and went straight to the stool.  The stool is now put away.
 Little Aurora
 Santa came to Emily's school a couple of weeks ago.  After her class took a picture with him, they took a "silly" photo too.  Emily has a really great class this year!
 During Chapel last week, Emily got to be Mary. So cute!
A Sarah selfie in my glasses

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