Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Merry Christmas!

 We had many attempts at a "Christmas card" picture, but we couldn't get one where everyone was looking/smiling/happy, etc.  Maybe next year...!
 We had Christmas the morning of Christmas Eve at home with our little family.  
 Lauren thought the bow on her head was funny, and she had fun playing with the wrapping paper and boxes. 
 Emily was excited to receive a microphone from Santa (the consistent thing she said she wanted every time someone asked her what she wanted Santa to bring this year). 
 Sarah has become a pro at reading chapter books; she often spends her time reading these days.  I love it!
 Christmas Eve evening at MaMa's house
 All of the cousins 

 This present was something the girls REALLY wanted this year. 

 LOVE them!
 Christmas at MeMe and PaPa's 
Lauren started taking steps on her own on Christmas Eve, and she continued to do so throughout the Christmas weekend.  She is still yet to just get up and walk, but if you initiate it with her, she will walk around the house for a bit. 
 Another attempt at a Christmas picture of the girls
 Christmas at PaPa's house
 More pictures from the Father/Daughter dance 

Daddy/Daughter date to the DFW airport; the girls enjoyed watching the airplanes with Rusty. 

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