Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Six Months

It is so hard to believe that baby girl is six months old! She is such a delight, and so much of her personality is showing through these days!

As of this week, Sarah has the rolling over thing figured out, and she is going to the left and right. Last week was a different story. She had the right side down, but the left was still a challenge. I found her many times in the middle of her nap like this. She was stuck because, at that point, she could not physically roll to the left side. Good thing she figured it out pretty quickly and is good to go now!

I tried my best to get a play by play of Sarah rolling over for you to see. Yes, a video would be so much better, and maybe I'll get to that one day...

Even though she can roll both ways now, she still loves to go to her right side. I don't know if this means she will be right handed, but it should be interesting to see how she does other things as well...

I can't leave Sarah on her blanket by herself in her room any longer. She ends up clear across the room in no time these days.

I don't know if you remember that picture I had a few months ago of Sarah looking down that was so precious, but I had to include this one too. She's actually going for the dress to eventually put it in her mouth, but still so cute!

I got so excited when it actually warmed up to about 70 degrees outside one day. I was able to put Sarah in something other than all of those long-sleeved outfits she's been wearing for so long! I'm eager for the warmer weather to come so I can dress Sarah in all of those cute sundresses and such!!

Oh, Shiner...Last time I posted something about Shiner I said he really likes Sarah and protects her. Things have only gotten better! Not only does Shiner want to be in her room when we are in there (we've even caught him sleeping next to her crib a few times), but Sarah really has taken a liking to Shiner as well. She gives him big smiles quite often. It's pretty cute actually, and for me to say that about Shiner, that is pretty impressive...

All smiles! This is an example of how Sarah reacts when Daddy comes home. She's so excited to see him in the evenings!

Sarah is really liking the jumperoo more and more. She no longer needs the book to make her taller, and she gets really excited when she's in there and will jump and smile a bunch.

Sarah has been doing great with eating her solids. We tried veggies for the first time last weekend. Dr. Nail told us to start with greens, so she had green beans. Her first bite was interesting. You could tell she was thinking that it wasn't her normal oatmeal. She made some faces but never resisted it. Each day so far she's been eating more and more of the green beans. Our next green will be peas. I'll be sure to keep you posted on that one. Daddy is NOT a big fan of peas, so it should be interesting if Sarah follows suit...

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