Thursday, June 24, 2010

On the Move!

Sarah had her nine month check-up yesterday. Dr. Nail said all is well and her development is excellent. Sarah weighed 16 lbs 15 oz (25%), her height is 28 inches (75%), and her head circumference is 17.8" (90%). We've noticed over the past month that Sarah is cutting her two front teeth, but Dr. Nail said one more on either side of those will be here soon too. That'll make six teeth total here shortly!

I told you she'd be in the hallway before long! Sarah is still not getting her stomach off of the ground, but let me assure you that is not preventing her from getting around at all. This morning, she was on the floor in the living room. I was in the kitchen putting away dishes, and Rusty came in the room and asked, "Where's Sarah?" She had made her way near the fireplace and next to the tv. I'm telling you, she's on the move!

Sarah is laughing at Shiner in the other room.

This has become a routine here lately; Sarah goes straight for her books when I put her down in her room. Of course, she'll take out each one of them. Sometimes, she'll start talking to them, which is pretty darn cute.

Sarah has been playing with tupperware, but I brought out the pans the other day. She had fun, but she really didn't get it. After a few minutes, she just wanted to put the pot handle and wooden spoon in her mouth instead of making some music. I tried to show her how it's done, but I guess I'm not that entertaining...

I had to include this picture because this is something Sarah has been doing lately. When it started, it was rather cute, and both Rusty and I would egg her on. The other day, I decided it was no longer cute when Sarah would not stop doing it in her highchair while I was trying to feed her. It's really hard not to bust out in laughter when I'm trying to tell her to not do that at the table, but I'm working on it.

Sarah's second cousin, Jaiden, and the family came for a short visit on their way to watch Zach play some baseball in Nebraska. We went out to the lake to fish and grill some hamburgers. Jaiden was all smiles for the camera, but Sarah was too interested in the toys to even look up at me, much less give a smile. They are only a week a part from each other, so they enjoyed hanging out.

Monday, June 21, 2010

First Father's Day

Rusty had a great day with his little girl!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nine Months

I think my days of putting a headband on Sarah are numbered or possibly over...pretty much right after I get in on her head, she decides to pull it off. Oh well, maybe she'll get a little more hair in the front so I can put small bows on her head instead!

The girls enjoyed the afternoon in the pool, and Sarah is looking forward to more days in the pool at her cousin's house!

Shiner and Sarah update: Now that Sarah is mobile, I'm sure many of you are wondering how Shiner is cooperating with us. Well, again, the doggie surprises me. He's been doing great with Sarah. You can see from the first picture how much Sarah loves Shiner. It's really Sarah that we have to make sure doesn't do anything to provoke Shiner at this point. I will say that lately though, Shiner has been licking Sarah a lot more frequently; it's actually starting to annoy her, me and her daddy a bit!

A cute picture of Gavin and Luke playing with Sarah while we were in Houston. These guys really love her, and they are super excited to see her when we visit.

Just chillin...

So, Sarah now goes straight to this toy area or to her books in her room when I set her down on the ground. Before I know it, I'll see her in the hallway...

Sarah has also discovered the door stopper; she's quite amused at the noise it makes.

Hanging out in her pack n play. Sarah enjoys playing with her toys in here each day. Lately, Shiner has been sitting right next to it, so she gets a little frustrated because she wants to get out to see/touch him.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I'm Mobile!

Sarah's on the move! It's more of an army crawl because she still does not have her stomach off the ground, but she's definitely not staying still anymore!

This is where Sarah started playing.

And not long after, this is where she ended up. Gone are the days of putting her on her blanket and leaving the room for a bit. Now that she knows she can move, she wants to explore the world!

She had to take a break from all of that moving!

We took Sarah to the pool for the first time over the weekend. She had a great time! Sarah liked her floatie, but she preferred for one of us to hold her while she kicked her feet in the water.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Visit to Houston

Over the past week or so, Sarah has started saying "MaMa" more, and her new word is "NaNa". Sarah also started scooting along on the ground this past week, which was exciting! We think tooth #3 is coming in on her top front too.

While in Houston, all of my sisters and their families got together at PaPa's house. All of Sarah's cousins REALLY love Sarah and enjoy playing with her. Sweet Camryn wanted to give Sarah a kiss; too cute!

We were also able to meet Grandma Penny and Papou for the usual Saturday morning breakfast with the family. At the end of the visit, Yia Yia was convinced that Sarah was ready to start Kindergarten already!

We also spent the morning at Papou and Yia Yia's house. I don't know why all the pictures we took with Papou and Sarah turned out this way, but I still wanted to include one. Sarah had a great time hanging out with her great-grandparents; she was smiling and talking a lot during the visit.

We were also able to make it to the Weyer's home one evening. Samantha was very excited to play with Sarah! The girls had a good time! I had a lot of fun playing with Samantha as well; she's so full of energy!

Cute picture of Sarah in our neighborhood

This is one of two signature facial expressions that Sarah is doing lately; the other is sticking out her tongue, which I talked about on the last post. When we took Sarah for her eight month pictures, these were the two faces she made the entire time too.

Look at big girl! I just thought I'd try to put Sarah up against her crib to see if she'd stay standing against it, and she did! (had to get a picture of that)