Over the past week or so, Sarah has started saying "MaMa" more, and her new word is "NaNa". Sarah also started scooting along on the ground this past week, which was exciting! We think tooth #3 is coming in on her top front too.

While in Houston, all of my sisters and their families got together at PaPa's house. All of Sarah's cousins REALLY love Sarah and enjoy playing with her. Sweet Camryn wanted to give Sarah a kiss; too cute!

We were also able to meet Grandma Penny and Papou for the usual Saturday morning breakfast with the family. At the end of the visit, Yia Yia was convinced that Sarah was ready to start Kindergarten already!

We also spent the morning at Papou and Yia Yia's house. I don't know why all the pictures we took with Papou and Sarah turned out this way, but I still wanted to include one. Sarah had a great time hanging out with her great-grandparents; she was smiling and talking a lot during the visit.

We were also able to make it to the Weyer's home one evening. Samantha was very excited to play with Sarah! The girls had a good time! I had a lot of fun playing with Samantha as well; she's so full of energy!

Cute picture of Sarah in our neighborhood

This is one of two signature facial expressions that Sarah is doing lately; the other is sticking out her tongue, which I talked about on the last post. When we took Sarah for her eight month pictures, these were the two faces she made the entire time too.

Look at big girl! I just thought I'd try to put Sarah up against her crib to see if she'd stay standing against it, and she did! (had to get a picture of that)
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