Sarah's on the move! It's more of an army crawl because she still does not have her stomach off the ground, but she's definitely not staying still anymore!

This is where Sarah started playing.

And not long after, this is where she ended up. Gone are the days of putting her on her blanket and leaving the room for a bit. Now that she knows she can move, she wants to explore the world!

She had to take a break from all of that moving!

We took Sarah to the pool for the first time over the weekend. She had a great time! Sarah liked her floatie, but she preferred for one of us to hold her while she kicked her feet in the water.
It looks like she's going after that Wii... Gavin must have told her how much fun it is so she thought she'd go after it! j/k So proud of sweet Sarah! And I'm liking the new blog colors... Great seeing y'all!